Working together with you to visualize your vision!

Technical University Delft

Technical University Delft

Explainer video’s and news items produced by Mattix Films for TU Delft and TU Delft TV.


Documentary; Blue Nodules

I directed and produced this documentary together with Maarten Weyns (camera and edit).
This video discusses research on deep sea mining, particularly focusing on the extraction of polymetallic nodules from the ocean floor. It explains the need for raw materials and how recycling alone isn't sufficient. Researchers are exploring deep sea deposits to assess if mining can be done with minimal environmental impact. The project focuses on developing a more environmentally friendly mining vehicle, which reduces the amount of sediment (or "plume") released during the collection process. Field tests are conducted to measure the sediment dynamics and improve the design, with promising results in terms of efficiency.

Mineralen in Beeld

Production, filming, editing.


Instagram reels

Video Block
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Safe and sustainable nuclear energy. Kloosterman tells about his dream on a nuclear reactor that is inherently safe, fully utilizes uranium/thorium, and produces no long-lived nuclear waste. Can this be achieved via the development of the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor?

Tasks: Production

Proactive Eco Mode

The current Eco Mode in cars makes acceleration at crucial moments difficult. The Proactive Eco Mode predicts moments where more power is needed, and temporarily turns off the Eco Mode and turns it back on when the target speed is required; completely automatic.

Video made for TU Delft; a project in collaboration with Renault.

Read full article Here

Tasks: Writing, directing, producing


FOCUS: Spaces of Display

News item for the minor Spaces of Display’s project FOCUS. It is a unique exhibition that shows the creative possibilities of a microbiology exhibition. The exhibition 'FOCUS: 25 students designing for Antoni van Leeuwenhoek' takes place on the occasion of the year of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, one of the most important figures in the history of microbiology.

Task: Producing

Turning air into sustainable sustainable fuels!

Short explainer on a project that uses air to create sustainable fuels.

Task: Producing

Forze IX reveal

Student team Forze presents their newest sustainable hydrogen race car. Forze IX will be the fastest car on hydrogen in the world, once it drives!

Tasks: production


Ceramic Waterfilters

A collaborative project between Delft and Ghana. Mattix Films was creative directing the concept towards filmmakers in Ghana and executed the parts in the Netherlands. The video is about waterfilters used with local materials.

Tasks: production, directing, edit

Scan van
“De Kruisiging”

De paneelschildering 'De Kruisiging' uit 1425 lag achter in het depot van het mueseum Catharijneconvent. Toen bleek dat het schilderij meer waard was dan ze dachten en wilden ze het ophangen ter tentoonstelling. Hiervoor werd het even snel opgeknapt. Echter bleek dat de blauwe achtergrond oorspronkelijk waarschijnlijk een compleet gouden achtergrond was. Ze willen het kunstwerk restaureren naar de oorspronkelijke staat.

Video about the 3D scanning of a painting depicting the Cruxifiction of Christ. The plan is to restore it fully to its original state.

Function: Producer and editor

The ESP Lab

Short explainer of the ESP Lab in Delft.

Task: production